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Feel Me Up: Uh-oh. The truth cometh outeth...

So today is a special Feel Me Up. Keeping in line with D.L. + Talli, today is the Significant Other blogfest and you know what that means...

I give you...the hubs.
1. What food or drink is guaranteed to return your loved one to a good mood, even after a bad day writing? Home Made brand Cookies and Cream Ice Cream and a cafe mocha from Tim Horton's (4 Splenda for a medium and 6 for a large)

2. What one thing would you change about your others writing habits? Hmmmm...I love that she writes because it means so much to her and she's good at it. But sometimes I wish she had the ability to let it go when she stopped for the day. It lingers in everything she does and she can't stop thinking about it. I love her for it though.

3. How hard is it to sit by and watch someone you care for struggle to attain a dream...knowing there's very little you can do to help? It's tough (!). Really though, it's hard because there really is nothing I can do other than give her support or take the offspring somewhere so she can have peace and quiet. Sometimes when she's stuck, I try to help her with parts of her story she's stuck on, but I'm probably more of a hindrance than a help.

Yes dear, it IS tough. Geesh. I was hoping for something funny but it just got all serious. Poop. I don't even care if you've washed your hands or not today. Let's have at it.

Random Fact: Last night I twisted a child-proof cap for 5 minutes before setting it aside, and repeating the process two more times. I eventually gave up. Didn't know it was also Candyland-proof.

Random Fact: I don't always listen to the hubs when he's talking. Okay so it's not earth-shattering but he was literally just talking and walked away and I realized I have no effing idea what he just said.

That's it for today, peeps. Next week, more answers, some crap and fill in the blank. Until then tell me, what was the last thing someone said to you that you heard? More importantly, do you ever have problems getting those stupid caps open?

Also, check out these other participants in the blogfest and show some <3
Candyland. OUT.

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