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Esq. | 145 Eagle Street, BRISBANE CBD QLD 4000

Icalled the other travel bunnie at midday on Thursday and told him that I had gone home sick. I dragged my shivering body through the mall and the journey felt like it took forever.

At 1.30 pm, the other travel bunnie declared that it was his hubby duty to make sure that I was fed, especially given I was sick. So, off we went to Esq.

Esq is a casual dining option in comparison its three-chefs-hat counterpart Esquire, which is considered as one of the best restaurants in Australia. Our last visit to Esquire was to celebrate our engagement, which was almost a year ago now. But to this day, I can still remember the lingering taste of their signature grilled popcorn parfait ($13).

We were seated by a large floor-to-ceiling window and the sun on my back made me feel warm and at ease. We shared the poached pork dumplings, chilli, vinegar and seasoned soya ($12) for an entrée. The tenderness of the pork with traces of finely diced ginger worked great together, and we were left fighting for the last one.

While we waited for our mains to arrive, the smell of meat and charcoal filled the restaurant. My mouth started salivating when our waiter presented us with our mains, marbled beef, perilla, horseradish ($28) and ocean trout, horseradish and dill ($20). The beef had a strong flavour of smoky charcoal that balanced perfectly with the tasty marbling. Albeit a minor flaw was found in the dish which one that should never experience at a three-chefs-hat restaurant, the fish was nevertheless delicious. The salt baked sweet potato, smoked almond milk and fried pinenuts ($12) was a great side for us to share.

I'm not going to lie, the whole time we were devouring our main courses, my mind was on the dessert. My dessert, yes you guessed it, the grilled popcorn parfaitwas perfect. There were so many layers of flavours popping in my mouth, sweet popcorn followed by a hint of salted cameral... hmm... I can seriously see myself going to Esq regularly just to have my favourite dessert.

The other travel bunnie had the campari, curds and whey milk ice cream ($12). It was a very refreshing dessert, but I had my heart set on the popcorn parfait and so the other travel bunnie's dessert didn't really grab any of my attention.

I think Esq is a truly fabulous idea. It's perfect for people who don't want to sit through a lengthy degustation that Esquire offers, or alternatively just to have a few of their favourite dishes for a light meal.

Total Bunnie Dollars Spent: $111.

Esquire on Urbanspoon

Esq. Casual Dining on Urbanspoon

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