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bagels R us

If you ask me what my favorite meal is, I will answer without hesitation: brunch. Brunch has so much possibilities- from light to substantial, sweet to savory, and everything in between. Lucky for me, I have had the opportunity to test recipes for Isa Chandra Moskowitz's next cookbook which just happens to be dedicated to brunch. One of the best things about testing for this book is that it has made me cook and bake things that I previously thought too difficult and complicated. I love Isa's DIY philosophy- why buy something that you can make easily, healthfully, and cheaply? Case in point: bagels. If you're like me, you've probably put off making homemade bagels because of the seemingly intricate technique. But I'm here to tell you that it's mind-blowingly easy and doesn't even take that long.

Don't believe me? Check it out:

After a short rise, shape your dough. Don't worry about perfection!

Boil for a few minutes in a saltwater solution.

Top with favorite toppings- such as poppy seeds.


Perhaps with some homemade raspberry jam?

Try all kinds of different flavors and toppings- Daiku and I especially liked these salt bagels- the sea salt really brought out the fresh-baked flavor.

We've since tried whole wheat and rye versions of these bagels. For a relatively simple investment of time and effort, the results are incredibly rewarding. Fresh bagels will never be in short supply at brunch in our home now!

P.S. An update on my fundraiser for the La-No-Che orphanage. It is going wonderfully! Everyone's generosity has truly touched my heart. As you can see in the update at the top right of the blog, we have exceeded our goal and the donations are still rolling in every day! It seems as if you guys really want me to jump out of that plane...! And I will be doing that in exactly one month. I'm still trying to figure out how best to live-blog from the jump site. Thank you all so much, and I will be emailing all donors to thank them personally in time.

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