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Assyrian Mounted Archers #5

What?  Another stand of Assyrian mounted archers shows up on display?  Yes, indeed!  
Trotting off the painting desk is the fifth stand of mounted archers to depart its mustering station.  Figures are, again, from Wargames Foundry and I have yet to tire of painting these fine horsemen.  Good thing I have not grown tired of them.  I must have another dozen in The Lead Pile!  Detailing is superb on both horse and rider and a real pleasure to tackle.
With the bringing out on display of these fine fellows, only one unit remains to complete the current tranche of Assyrians.  After that, time to set up a group photo of the Army in its current state.  While painting effort is transitioning to other projects, Assyrians will remain in the mix.  I may change my mind and plunge headlong back into painting Assyrians with a fury as this past summer has witnessed.  Other hobby activities are drawing my interest, though, including many upcoming games.

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