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20 October, 1595 - The Wise Man of West Chester

Here's what the Admiral's Men performed at the Rose playhouse on this day, 424 years ago...

Henslowe writes: ye 19 of octobȝ 1595 ... R at the wisman ... xvijs 
In modern English: [20th] October, 1595 ... Received at The Wise Man ... 17 shillings

A man, who might possibly be
wise, carved on the choir
stalls of Chester Cathedral
Today, the Admiral's Men staged The Wise Man of West Chester, a lost play that appears to have been about a wizard in the English city of Chester; you can read more about it in the entry for 3 December, 1594.

The company has waited a fortnight to revive The Wise Man of West Chester and it has returned exactly the same - very low - box office that it did last time.

Henslowe links


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