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Another midweek break from painting zeds..

Here's the "group shot" of the woods that I promised Bryan. I can't call them 'finished' until I get another six trees and base them up so I can use all six bases as dense woods - for now there are four grassy inserts and two rocks (stones from the garden) in among the trees.
The Blotz skip is painted up and added to the scatter terrain box..........
..... as are the 'boxes & benches', though I've only shown one of each here.
To my shame, I still haven't started the TTCombat bus shelter, but I have finally thrown some paint at one set of the barriers from the Walking Dead All Out War terrain booster!
Brad and his group have been holed up at Campbell's farm for the best part of a week now.
Apart from the occasional wandering zed it's all been quiet, but on a couple of nights  they've heard the sound of small arms fire away in the distance from the direction of Wichita Falls. This prompted the decision to fortify their position as much as possible by using tools and material they collected from around the farm.
With the new defences in place, Brad feels confident enough to split the group and is planning to lead a scavenging / recconaissance  party out from the farm.

Just to "round off" this post (since we started with trees), here's a lone tree on its new 40mm round base, MUCH more stable than the molded bases!

So, that wraps up the news for now, a combination of work and the Zomtober challenge have taken up the rest of the time so I'm getting "gaming withdrawal symptoms" - I'm hoping to get a fix soon!

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