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Stormcast Vangard, Slambo and Veridyan painted up

 After along time of no painting time or even  mojo to do any I bought a selection of the new GW pieces and here are the results I believe it has infused me. Painted using Foundry and GW paints using my wet pallet, it does make life easy!. the GW Adeptus Sororitas Canoness Veridyan, a must buy for me great miniature to my collection
 Well i had to buy this one a new cersion of the  Chaos Sambo miniature again enjoyed so much painting this  one.
 The Stormcast vanguard caught my eye and I must say the  plastics are of the very highest quality, great looking miniatures
 Gryph -hounds  from GW another must buy
 And the best till last these are perhaps the  best plastics i have ever seen the  pose and dynamics are  amazing Vanguard Palladors. a joy to paint up i hope i did them justice?

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