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For my Birthday by eldest son bought me an ipad mini and introduced me to Scrabble online.
Tom has a Kindle Fire so he's not left out.

And now I'm hooked..
Every spare moment is spent trying to find the biggest scoring word.
I can't say that I'm not enjoying this new toy because I am.  I'm not a number person but love words.
The whole family is in on this so there is no shortage of opponents, but I have to ask myself, am I wasting time?

Thankyou for all of the advice on the squabbling cats, I now have 2 water pistols (not at my hip) ready for use if Princess starts any more of her tricks. One in the front of the house and one in the Kitchen.

 Meanwhile Mummy Polly is still loving the basket of wool

 And I've loaded up another bed with old wool that for some reason is never used in the hopes that it will free up a wicker chair in the window.
It was a good idea to put these two chairs in the window , we thought we could sit and do various things there but we didn't bargain on Rowan and Willow taking a liking to them.  Keep you fingers crossed that one of them likes the new arrangement.

As I am typing Rowan has knocked my camera lense cover onto the carpet and is now enjoying a game with it, better keep my eye on it as last time it went walkies we couldn't find it for ages.

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