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Memorial Day Weekend

How was your weekend?  Here is a recap of our Memorial Day Weekend, minus Memorial Day. 

Friday was our usual "online day" at school.  After taking Thursday off as a sick day, I was back as usual on Friday.  I worked alone in my room most of the day, grading all the student work which had been turned in on Thursday, which was the deadline for students to turn in assignments.  It was a productive Friday at work.  I also got more of my classroom cabinets packed up and ready for the move to the new building. All that is really left to pack up are the things in my desk drawers. 

Saturday was our "visit the graves" day. Charly and I started this tradition when we moved back to Utah and actually had family graves in the area to visit.  We started out with my maternal grandparents graves, which is in a town to the north of here.  We then went to the cemetery where my parents and paternal grandmother are buried and took flowers and flags to their graves.  I also discovered, quite by accident, that my aunt and uncle (my dad's sister and her husband) were buried very near to my parents.  I am not sure how I didn't know this before happening on their grave yesterday.  Charly's parents and uncle are buried in a different part of the same cemetery, so we visited and took flowers to them as well.  Later in the afternoon, I went alone to yet another cemetery to take flowers and a flag to the graves of my dad's younger brother and his wife.  I have such good memories of this uncle and aunt. They were so good to me when I was a child, so I was grateful to finally be able to visit their grave. My dad, all three of his brothers, and both of his sister's husbands, as well as Charly's dad all served in World War II.  I am grateful for their willingness to serve and defend our freedom. 

Saturday evening, we got take-out pizza for dinner.  We ended up with three different pizzas from two different pizza places.  The explanation for that could be a blog post all on its own, so suffice it to say we will have pizza leftovers for a couple of days to come.  That's fine with me. We all like leftover pizza. 

Pizza and salad  - hands-down my favorite weekend meal. 

After dinner on Saturday,  Josh and I went on a four-mile hike along the Jordan River Trail, which runs along the Jordan River, right through the center of the Salt Lake Valley.  The entire Jordan River Trail is almost 48 miles long, and Josh and I decided to try to hike the entire thing, one section at a time.  Saturday's hike was nice - it was a lovely cool evening - perfect hiking weather.  I enjoyed being with my son.  Josh has a big stride and walks/hikes fast, so hiking with him always gives me a great workout. 

Sunday morning before church, I spent some time out in my garden.  Another peony bloomed and I love how it is light pink in the middle surrounded by white petals. My peony blossoms are so big and full and they smell wonderful.  

There were more ripe strawberries in the garden Sunday morning, so I picked them and gave them to Charly to eat with his breakfast. 

I also discovered little green plumbs on our dwarf plum tree.  There are about six little green plums, and I will be watching and waiting for them to grow and ripen as the summer progresses.  

We went off to church as usual, and Charly wore his new suit.  I thought he looked very handsome.  Josh didn't wear his new suit. He said it was too warm to wear a suit today.  Church was good and uplifting. Josh helped with the Sacrament (communion) portion of the service.  It always makes me so happy and proud when Josh helps out at church.  As the scripture says, I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. (3 John 1:4).

After church and a quick lunch (of leftover pizza) I did some indexing of handwritten Virginia death records from 1893.  I listened to podcasts and Youtubes while indexing.  It is enjoyable and relaxing, and I like helping to preserve important historic records.  

For Sunday dinner, I made a Jones family favorite - country fried steak with mashed potatoes and country gravy, fresh steamed broccoli and green beans. We had buttered French bread on the side.  It was a good dinner - one we all enjoyed.

After I finish this post, Charly and I will go on an evening walk, then I hope to relax and do some reading to finish off the evening.  

Coming up this week:
Monday (Memorial Day) - No school! I have a morning hike with a friend planned. 
Tuesday - Back to school for the last week of school.  
Wednesday - After school, I will be going to the St. Vincent de Paul kitchen in downtown Salt Lake City to help prepare the nightly dinner for the homeless and those in need. 
Thursday - Graduation for seniors at school.  It will take place during the morning at an outside venue.  I have been put on the committee to stay at the school building during graduation to "hold down the fort" (whatever that means).  No other students will be at school, and all of my grades will have been posted, so I  may have some time to read and listen to podcasts, while finishing packing up my classroom for the move. 
Friday - Last day of school for teachers.  Finally this crazy school year will be over!

I will close this post by wishing you a Happy Memorial Day, from our home to yours.  Thank God for those men and women who have given their all for our liberty. 

Thanks for stopping by. Have a good Memorial Day and a great week! Remember to thank and honor the veterans in your life.


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