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Jingle bells

1st we got tickets to Sam's Nativity.
Today we took the train to Winchester
 There was a Christmas Market in the grounds of the Cathedral
beautiful setting, the crafts were brilliant, not a bit of tat any where 
 We visited the inside of the Cathedral
Here the main window with a huge Christmas tree
 Hubby loved the vaulted ceilings
 I loved these floor tiles
 and of course all the carved wood
a very peaceful place to wander sit and people watch. 
 My only Christmas purchase
It was lovely to leave the car at home, we live 10 minutes walk from our local train station, it cost a bit more than taking the car and using park and ride, but it was a restful journey we both enjoyed, and just 30 minutes. Winchester has beautiful old buildings and lots of history. It was busy but no where as bad as it could have been, we had nothing to get, just a nice day out together. I could not resist the red star for our tree, I also spent £9 on some Spanish herbs for cooking Paella from a market hut. The  items on sale were mainly hand made and stunning, but in our spirit of not buying unnecessary things we walked by most of the little huts. We visited the pastie shop for lunch and had mulled wine at the market, all very tasty.
It started to rain after lunch so we decided to take the earlier train home and got back in about 3ish. We watched a Christmas movie with a predicable ending, now we are home alone and enjoying a restful evening. So yes I am feeling festive, almost everything done, we have started our Christmas supermarket list, it's much smaller than normal and will stay that way.
This week I am doing my 12 days of Christmas challenge, last year I took 12 items to a local charity shop from my wardrobe, this time it's 12 items from my office space, I will list next time the items.
Back to work tomorrow, but it's party day, I have home made mince pies to take, I will leave at 3pm and pick the boys up after school, last time this year.

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