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How Do You Know You're In Hooterville?

Some people have been asking me, "What do you mean, Hooterville?" Are you wondering just where this 'Hooterville' is? Hooterville is a place where, just when you think you understand how to play the game, you find that the rules have been changed. It's a place of double-whammies, double-speak, and double standards. So, without further ado, let me present "A Tourist's Guide To Hooterville, or How to Support a Family of Four on $6.00 An Hour". And, please feel free to contribute your own 'Hooterville' ideas!

You Know You're In Hooterville When...

  • ...you can impeach one president for lying about sexual favors, but another president, whose lies kill thousands of our own troops, gets a free pass.

  • ...the worse the economy gets and the higher the deficit climbs, the louder our 'leaders' crow about how much better off we are.

  • ...the people in charge of 'regulating' our industries are the same people who are supposed to be 'regulated' - i.e. the Energy Commission (see Chapter 4 - "The Foxes Are Guarding The Henhouse")

  • ...when the party that prides itself on being 'morally superior' to its opposing party reverses its own rule about members of Congressional leadership (which stated that they must resign when they are indicted for criminal behavior) when there is a possibility of it applying to one of their own members (House Majority Leader Tom DeLay)

Okay, that's a start...any others?

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