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Finding Comfort in Collections

I just made the smallest shift in the arrangement on top of my dining room display shelf. For we compulsive arrangers it can be the best kind of therapy. But in truth, there is no stopping it anyway! We can't keep our hands off of things. And if we aren't arranging things physically, we are doing it in our heads.

Some people listen to music to soothe themselves. The shapes and patterns of my china and linens, and the rythm of my collections does it for me.

And entering the light-filled spaces of my rooms first thing in the morning just starts the day right! 

This little McCoy pottery hand tray is new to the rotation. Her reason for being is simply to look pretty while holding things; pins, earrings, coins. My mother had these little dishes all over the place full of the most unlikely stray objects that never seemed to find a proper place of their own. It drove me to distraction! Today she holds stray tallow berries.

I am also a creature of habit and tend to use the same favorite tablecloths over and over, so I went hunting for something different that I haven't put to use in a while. I can't seem to part with these gorgeous white on white embroidery cloths that are less practical for daily use. But just having them in a stack to admire for a change gives me a lift too.

A little lace peeking out can soften a day. . . .

And I will soon have a few white garden roses to add to this still-life!

This is the cloth I finally chose for the table. So perfect for spring with the lily pads and dragonflies. What a joy it must have been to make!

 I always layer smaller pieces over larger and plainer ones. I use these cotton drop cloths for millions of things.

I have admired this English ironstone creamer and sugar set by Meakin for years until I found a set of my own last year. Such a pretty little design.

Having a bit of Stafforshire here and there adds to the story.

The little berry creamer hasn't a maker's mark, but is probably English as well.

Finally, this sweet little tophy cup adds a little contrast to the group. It reads: "Best Hound, Cape County Fair Dog Show, 1925." Found for cheap at some long forgotton thrift store ages ago.

So that's the lineup for today!

How's your week going?

I hope you are surrounding yourself with a few happy things. . . .

So glad you stopped by!

'Til next time,


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