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Yep, that pretty much describes me right abt now. Nothing like getting over a bug and then attempting to scrounge around the house so we ...I....can participate in the community yard sale tomorrow. The Hubster has informed me that it is ALL me and that he is not helping. He HATES yard sales. I thought that I would jump start sales and list on the local site. I stayed up till after midnight answering questions and marking stuff pending pick up. Midnight use to be early for me. I am a night owl in real life but with having to get up at 6 am every morning midnight and later kicks my butt these days.
As for jump staring sales I indeed have. I am not sure though if I should have just waited it out or not. People have been coming by since 8am this morning so it has been like having an ALL day yard sale of sorts. Very tiring indeed. I still have a fewstragglers yet to come. I think the latest is 7:30. That is pj time for us around here.
I am struggling on selling our foyer bench. Well our old foyer bench. The bench we purchased 7 years ago to go in the foyer of our very first house. The house we built from scratch. She has spent many years in our foyer at all three houses now but I wanted something a tad bigger for the new house. Something a little more french country. Love the new bench but still am torn on what to do with the old one. She has been the plopping spot for many baby pics every Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. She has given us some great pics.
Why is it we become so attached to items? I keep telling myself she is just a bench. A silly old bench that needs to be primed and painted. I have nowhere for her. I even tried her on the landing for the stairs under the window and she just did not look right there. She currently sits in the front office waiting her fate. Should I sell her or should I put her in the closet till I find somewhere?? I just do not know. I could use the money from her to buy something differ but nothing that will last 8 years and have so many memories. It is not like she will ever be antique quality that will be passed down from generation to generation. She was a $60 bench at Target.

One of those fave pics. Not our kid but our good friends. Now that I look at it that snowman is outside for sale. I have no issues with saying good bye to him and we have had him for 8 years. So maybe the bench has just met her fate.....

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