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a mixed bag couple of days...

it's been grey with spots of sunshine, it's been rainy, misty and foggy - but still so gorgeous!

here's a flower arrangement made by God - these are all wildflowers that just grow on our land with no help from us. sorry the pic is so dark - the wildflowers are beautiful!

and here is a flower arrangement made by kymber with the help of God - these flowers all came from seeds i planted.

and here they are together acting as beautiful accoutrements  to our table.

can i get a high five for this daily harvest?

thank you. thank you very much. it was an honour just to be nominated. that's a big beef, 2 scotias, and 3 cherry tomatoes. that's a green pepper, some sweet italian peppers, and some hot wax. there's sorrel, basil, coriander and parsely. green onions and 2 red onions. and kids - yes - that is a corn!!!

jambaloney's never-ending jar of pickled peppers was topped up...i removed the old grape leaves and added new ones, plus stirred it all around so that the older peppers mix with the new.

miso soup for supper? yer darn tootins'. especially if your miso starts off with homemade veg broth, dulse, nori, tofu, mushrooms and green pepper.

the radish kimchi on the side doesn't hurt either!

hey - do you know what happens if you let your garlic scapes go to flower? they make seeds. called bulbils.

i cut all mine off so that for the next month the garlic bulb will focus on growth, and the bulbils are at the exact right time for drying. here's a pic of them up close.

each of those tiny bulbils will grow into a garlic bulb...it might take 5 years but they'll do it. and that's why we save them. for geurilla gardening.

told ya it's been overcast and cloudy - but the air is soooo fresh!

zucchini fritters and fresh blackberries for breakfast.

made up some more veg chow and some more dill pickles.

this is one of the harvests of potatoes that jambaloney brought in. we harvest them as we need them and then wait for our first hard frost (usually december) before we harvest the rest.

here's another load that he harvested to hopefully get us through the next month - we eat a LOT of potatoes!

jambaloney wanted veg curry and that's what he got!

 then we made chips with our potatoes.

he had some of his plain, some with vinegar, some with gravy and some with hot sauce (top plate). i, of course, had poutine! deelish!

well, i'm back online, hate the new set-up, hate my new inbox, hate the layout of stuff - pretty much hate it all. but, and this is huge, my blogger is still the exact same and when i checked a few of your blogs out just to see if everything was the same - it is! so i'll get by...and be by to your blogs in a bit!

sending love!

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