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Space Wolves: Lone Wolf & Venerable Dreadnoughts

Over the last month i've managed to finish a lone wolf conversion, a different set of weapon options for a venerable dreadnought and a venerable with fenrisian great axe and shield, so i thought I would share them with the blogosphere...

The lone wolf conversion is very simple, it's just a werewolf miniature from Mantic with the addition of a terminator wolf claw and shoulder pad combined with a storm shield from Anvil Industries. The werewolf models come in a pack of three so I have a second lone wolf on the painting table at the moment. I liked the idea of a lone wolf deep striking into the battlefield then going feral as the mark of the wulfen takes hold.

I've also finished alternative weapon options for my relic contemptor and completed a shield and axe contemptor dreadnought. I've used them in a couple of games so far, I really like them I just wish they were a little bit more survivable and had the 4 base attacks of the standard space marine dreads, is it too much to ask for an FAQ from GW to address this?

I've got half a wolf guard biker unit finished as well and am cracking on with the other half as I write, so i'll be sure to share those soon. I just can't decide whether to have them as wolf guard or swiftclaws....

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