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Star Wars: Episode VII Begins Shooting On May 14th In Morocco?

So far Disney and J.J. Abrams have been extremely tight lipped about the upcoming Star Wars: Episode VII, but today something might have slipped, as a news report is saying that production will start in earnest on May 14th in Morocco. Now, the May 14th isn't a surprise as Disney already announced that would begin shooting in that month, but Morocco is a different thing as Lucas used the Moroccan landscape to shoot some of Tatooine's scenes.

Sources tell Badass Digest that filming on Star Wars: Episode VII will begin on May 14th in Morocco and will stay there for two weeks,  which means that perhaps J.J. will be using the old and crumbling original sets from Lucas' first film, which makes sense given that this new entry in the franchise takes place 30 years after the events of Return of the Jedi.

At this point it's guessing and hearsay but if Abrams' his indeed thinking about using the old sets, we might also expect him to move over to Tunisia and use the matching set.

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